Introduction au Massage Tantrique à Montréal
9:00 AM09:00

Introduction au Massage Tantrique à Montréal

Plongez dans l'univers envoûtant du massage tantrique pour raviver la flamme de vos relations et cultiver l'harmonie énergétique! Rejoignez notre formation exclusive, conçue pour les passionnés du tantra et les amoureux des relations saines.

Libérez les tensions, renforcez les liens et découvrez le pouvoir transformateur du toucher thérapeutique.

Avec les experts inspirants Patrice Trudeau et Kelly Vazquez, laissez-vous guider vers une expérience sécurisante et enrichissante.

Rejoignez-nous pour une immersion magique dans l'art du massage tantrique! + Magie Du Tantra Relations Épanouies Toucher Thérapeutique Cette formation n’est pas fait pour tous.



Pour évaluer que ça vous convient , communiquez avec Patrice Trudeau Ou


260$ Dépot de 100$ pour garantir votre place.

Liens sur Patrice Click here

et Kelly Click here

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Introduction au Massage Tantrique à Montréal
9:00 AM09:00

Introduction au Massage Tantrique à Montréal

Plongez dans l'univers envoûtant du massage tantrique pour raviver la flamme de vos relations et cultiver l'harmonie énergétique! Rejoignez notre formation exclusive, conçue pour les passionnés du tantra et les amoureux des relations saines.

Libérez les tensions, renforcez les liens et découvrez le pouvoir transformateur du toucher thérapeutique.

Avec les experts inspirants Patrice Trudeau et Kelly Vazquez, laissez-vous guider vers une expérience sécurisante et enrichissante.

Rejoignez-nous pour une immersion magique dans l'art du massage tantrique! + Magie Du Tantra Relations Épanouies Toucher Thérapeutique Cette formation n’est pas fait pour tous.



Pour évaluer que ça vous convient , communiquez avec Patrice Trudeau Ou


260$ Dépot de 100$ pour garantir votre place.

Liens sur Patrice Click here

et Kelly Click here

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Formation en massage tantrique
to Jun 15

Formation en massage tantrique

Un art qui nous épanouie

Face aux stress et aux malaises qui abiment nos relations, il existe des manières simples et chaleureuses pour nous réenchanter.

Une des méthodes les plus transformatrice est le massage tantrique. C’est un allié quasi miraculeux qui réjouit autant 

le corps, le coeur que l’esprit!

Pour amateur(trices) et massothérapeutes

Cette pratique accessible est conçue pour amplifier l’impact thérapeutique et la puissance énergétique de votre touché. Elle peut s’appliquer autant au niveau des relations amoureuses que professionnelles

Tu auras l’impression de jouer de l’orgue, et tu ressentiras la création d’une harmonie en toi. Non seulement le massé, mais toi aussi, tu seras soulagé.
— Osho

Libérer les tensions

Imaginez que vous pouvez dénouer les noeuds qui empêchent de s’épanouir complètement et que votre toucher vous permet d’enchanter les gens à tout coup,
embellissant le bonheur et la prospérité de vos relations pour longtemps.

Amplifier la joie

Pendant ce massage, il est fréquent de vivre des libérations émotionnelles importantes. Notre passé est inscrit dans nos cellules et la puissance de l'énergie vitale peut nous alléger profondément.

 Avec une intention claire, nous pouvons manifester une nouvelle réalité dans notre vie.

Résultats rapides

Vous pouvez développer cet art libérateur en quelques heures et commencer à tisser le divin chez vous et chez l’autre pour une vie encore plus envoûtante qui fait sourire

Cet atelier vaut la joie d’être vécu si vous voulez améliorer un ou plusieurs des aspects suivants.

Des guides de grande expertise

Kelly Vazquez

Magicienne du toucher, elle fait disparaître les tensions grâce à son enrobante énergie océanique. Ses 19 années d’expérience dans le soin corporel et la massothérapie font d’elle une professeur minutieuse d’une grande richesse. 

Afin d'offrir de profondes désintoxications émotionnelles par le toucher, elle s'inspire de diverses techniques holistiques pour enseigner le massage tantrique.

Patrice Trudeau

Pour des soins d’excellence, il enseigne des méthodes holistiques qui hybride les techniques ancestrales avec celles qu’il a construites par sa propre expérience.

Sa chaleureuse passion, son empathie profonde et sa sensibilité aux énergies subtiles font de lui un enseignant remarquable qui propage son amour pour le tantra avec brio.


Respect & sécurité

Nous sommes conscients que des résistances et traumas peuvent vous restreindre. C’est donc pour protéger votre sérénité que des paramètres solides de respect viennent sécuriser l’expérience. 

Les voici:
- Respect de l’intégrité:  à tout moment, vous avez le droit de prendre une pause, de refuser une pratique et même de quitter.
- Respect de confidentialité : ce qui se passe dans l’expérience reste dans l’expérience.
- Respect de l’image : aucune photo et enregistrement vidéo ou audio n’est permise sans le consentement des gens. 

- Respect des limites : vos limites sont dites et respectées pour chaque soins donnés ou reçus, aucune pression ne sera faite pour déroger de votre intégrité. 

- Respect des communications: la courtoisie, la compassion et la bienveillance sont de mise pour un déroulement optimal. Aucune violence ou arrogance ne sera tolérée. 

*Pour sécuriser votre personne, un formulaire avec signature vous sera envoyé et devra être signé pour officialiser cette entente de respect. 


Du 12 au 15 Juin 2025

1 nuit et 3 jours de théorie et pratique

1. S’enraciner grâce aux principes fondamentaux du massage tantrique.

2. Sécuriser en prévenant les blocages & traumas grâce aux règles du consentements

3. Maximiser l’impact en préparant son corps et son esprit

4. Ancrer l’espace sacré par les rituels d’enracinement et d’activation

5. Démonstration et expérimentation du premier toucher tantrique

Jeudi 12 juin au Dimanche 15 Juin 2025

1 nuit et trois jour de pratique

  1. Danse et yoga pour préparer pour optimiser la vitalité du toucher.

  2. Réception et transmission de massage en équipe de 2.

  3. Démonstration et transmission du massage du devant du corps et des points marmas qui débloquent l’énergie. (de-armoring)

  4. Pratique du massage avec guidance pour le devant du corps.

  5. Démonstration et transmission du massage des organes génitaux.

  6. Présentation des possibilités de soin à distance pour aller plus loin

  7. Témoignages, questions, partages et clôture de la journée

*Vous recevrez les détails et préparatifs via courriel après l'inscription.

Pour les gens vaillants

Pas pour tout le monde!

Cette formation n'est pas pour les gens qui veulent collectionner de l’information, avoir des résultats magiques sans efforts, séduire ou vivre une expérience érotique.

Le massage tantrique est une pratique sacrée qui participe au chemin de guérison et à l’éveil de la joie du corps

Elle concerne les gens vaillants qui veulent éviter d'endommager leur relation et s’épanouirent en maîtrisant cet art avec finesse. 

Si ça vous interpelle, il nous fera plaisir de vous accueillir dans notre grande famille du tantrisme! 

Prix accessible & places limitées

La qualité avant tout

Afin de préserver la paix dans vos finances, vous pouvez payer en plusieurs versements pour la formation de groupe.
Dans le but d’assurer une qualité optimale des enseignements, un nombre maximum de 30 élèves sera permis.


Centre Tara , QC (Vous recevrez les détails via courriel après l'inscription)

Tarifs & Formats

Formation en groupe : retraite du 12 au 15 Juin, au Centre Terra | 600$


67$ par jour (+ 5 pour les intolerances + 10$ pour sans gluten)

Prix des chambres par nuit :

Chambre simple ou privée : 100$

Chambre simple commune : 90$

Chambre double privé : 65$

Chambre double commune : 55$

Chambre triple : 50$ Dortoir : 40$

Prix des tentes prospecteur par nuit:

Simple : 80$

Double : 55$

Camping : 30$

Rabais 50$ de rabais pour les couple.s

30$ de rabais par référence.

Des questions?

Communiquez à une des adresses suivantes et nous 

vous répondrons avec joie!

Formation de groupe : ;

Formation individuelle :Click Here


Patrice est à l’écoute de ce qui est verbal et non verbal. Il a su m’accompagner au plus proche de mes besoins et je me suis sentie enveloppée et reçue en toute bienveillance et sécurité. Si cette expérience vous appelle, c’est à Patrice qu’il faut vous confier, les yeux fermés ! Un instant hors du temps extatique.
— Avé
Je suis moi même un praticien en massage suèdois et j’ai appris beaucoup durant cette séance : spirituellement et en méditation et le massage que je vais donner à ma conjointe ne sera plus le même à partir de maintenant, suite à cette séance. Merci Kelly.
— Michel Hamel
Patrice est une âme très gentille et aimante qui met l’accent sur les autres, c’est sa nature, il apporte vraiment une énergie bonne et douce dans la séance. Je me suis senti très à l’aise avec lui pendant toute la séance et ses techniques sont incroyables. Je suis très reconnaissant d’avoir reçu sa séance.
— Akasha Tara
Je recommande fortement Kelly. Elle est extrêmement intuitive quant à ce dont j’avais besoin et les effets de ma séance se répercutent déjà sur d’autres domaines de ma vie. Il faut beaucoup de force personnelle et d’énergie pour faire le genre de travail énergétique qu’elle fait, et elle est positivement magique!
— Sarah
Patrice est un soignant rare à trouver. Son expertise dépasse les champs habituels en matière de guérison. Il utilise plusieurs techniques et approches permettant de réinitialiser les espaces de trauma. Je vous le recommande sans hésiter.
— Anonyme
Kelly offre une expérience massage complète par son approche hollistique, personnalisée et généreuse. Elle prend le temps. La sensibilité de son approche témoigne de son humanité. Énergisant, relaxant, reconstituant, inspirant, tout y est. Peu de thérapeutes offrent une approche intégrant autant d’aspects.
— Papa Gayo

Politique d'annulation

Annulation maximum 1 semaine en avance pour sécuriser les frais de location de la salle, sinon l'argent ne peut être remboursé.  

Sécurité légale
Le massage tantrique est un massage thérapeutique qui ne s’associe à rien au travail du sexe et ne pose donc pas de problèmes au niveau légal.

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Tantric Massage Training in Val David - bilingual
to Oct 13

Tantric Massage Training in Val David - bilingual

  • Espace Omeya | Body Path (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Tantric Massage Training in Val David | bilingual


An art that fulfills us

When we face the stress and discomfort that damage our relationships, there are simple and warm ways to bring joy back into our lives.
One of the most transformative methods is Tantric massage. It's an almost miraculous ally that delights the body, heart, and mind!


For hobbyists and massage therapists

This accessible practice is designed to amplify the therapeutic impact and the energetic power of your touch. It can be applied in both romantic and professional relationships.


Deep and lasting benefits

You will feel as if you are playing an organ, and you will experience the creation of harmony within yourself. Not only the receiver but also you will be relieved.
— Osho

A renewed power


Highly skilled guides

Kelly Vazquez

Magician of touch, she dissolves tension with her enveloping oceanic energy. Her 19 years of experience in body care and massage therapy make her a meticulous and richly knowledgeable teacher. To provide profound emotional detoxifications through touch, she draws on various holistic techniques to teach Tantric massage.

To learn more about her background, click here


Patrice trudeau

For exceptional care, he teaches holistic methods that blend ancestral techniques with those he has developed through his own experience.

His warm passion, deep empathy, and sensitivity to subtle energies make him a remarkable teacher who skillfully shares his love for Tantra.

To learn more about her background, click here.


Respect & Safety

We understand that resistance and trauma may limit you. To protect your serenity, solid respect parameters ensure the security of the experience.

Here they are:

  • Respect for Integrity: At any time, you have the right to take a break, refuse a practice, or even leave.

  • Respect for Confidentiality: What happens in the experience stays in the experience.

  • Respect for Image: No photos or video/audio recordings are allowed without the consent of those involved.

  • Respect for Boundaries: Your boundaries are communicated and respected for every session given or received; no pressure will be applied to compromise your integrity.

  • Respect for Communication: Courtesy, compassion, and kindness are essential for an optimal experience. No violence or arrogance will be tolerated.

To ensure your security, a form with a signature will be sent to you and must be signed to formalize this respect agreement.


For the brave individuals

Not for everyone!

This training is not for those who want to collect information, achieve magical results without effort, seduce, or experience eroticism.

Tantric massage is a sacred practice that contributes to the healing journey and the awakening of the body's joy.

It is for courteous individuals who want to avoid damaging their relationships and flourish by mastering this art with finesse.

If this resonates with you, we would be delighted to welcome you into our large Tantra family!


Affordable price & limited spots

Quality above all

To maintain financial peace, you can pay in multiple installments.

To ensure optimal quality of the experience, a maximum of 30 participants will be allowed.



Espace Omeya, 1554 rue René, Val David 

Dates & Formats

-Group Course

Date: October 11, 12, and 13
Hours: From 5 PM on Friday to 5 PM on Sunday.

To ensure your participation, please submit your application as soon as possible by clicking the button below or by sending an email to to provide your contact details, motivations, concerns, and background in Tantra and/or massage therapy.

We look forward to sharing our greatest passion with you.


Price including accommodation and meals

$750 until September 16
$850 after September 16

$100 additional for a private room

$625 if you sleep on the floor with your own mattress and bedding until September 16

$725 after September 16

Reservation deposit

A deposit is required to secure your spot and price:
$200 without a room
$350 with a room

Email for deposits (if you are accepted):


$100 discount for couples
$50 discount per referral


Please contact the following addresses, and we will respond with pleasure!
Group Course:



Mathieu Landry

Those who were present saw me in a trance for several hours. Oh, and the strangers who crossed my path later that evening must have thought I was intoxicated, even though I hadn’t consumed a drop of alcohol or other substances. [...] I began channeling a healer’s energy I had not suspected until then, which flowed through my fingers, forearms, and entire body in a rhythm as slow as it was deep and soothing. What a weekend rich in learning, love composed of all types of anchors, group sharing... but above all, journeys!

Patrick Tremblay

What an incredible Tantric massage training I received yesterday!!! A huge thank you to Patrice Trudeau, Tantric Therapy Practitioner, and Kelly Vasquez for this enriching, vibrant, safe, and respectful training!!!! Not only has my practice greatly improved, but the human being I am has been transformed. It is an extraordinary and very powerful medicine. The quality of the demonstrations and teaching will be extremely useful for me to help more people begin the journey to becoming the best version of themselves, liberating traumas, and expanding the divine being they embody!!! More than ever, I am willing to serve the divine energy to spread it through my touch to honor the sacred feminine and masculine!!!! I am filled with so much love and gratitude for deciding to participate in this training; I also met wonderful people. My inner child is fulfilled.

Akasha Tara

Patrice is a very kind and loving soul who focuses on others; it is his nature. He truly brings a good and gentle energy to the session. I felt very comfortable with him throughout the session, and his techniques are incredible. I am very grateful to have received his session.


I highly recommend Kelly. She is extremely intuitive about what I needed, and the effects of my session are already impacting other areas of my life. It takes a lot of personal strength and energy to do the kind of energetic work she does, and she is positively magical!


Patrice is a rare healer to find. His expertise goes beyond the usual fields of healing. He uses various techniques and approaches to reset trauma spaces. I recommend him without hesitation.

Papa Gayo

Kelly provides a comprehensive massage experience through her holistic, personalized, and generous approach. She takes her time. The sensitivity of her approach reflects her humanity. Energizing, relaxing, restorative, inspiring—it's all there. Few therapists offer an approach that integrates so many aspects.


Cancellation Policy

Cancellation up to 1 week in advance is required to secure the room rental fees; otherwise, the money cannot be refunded.

Legal Safety

Tantric massage is a therapeutic practice that is not associated with sex work and therefore does not pose any legal issues.

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to Jun 16

Massages d’Amour

C’est avec Joie que Nathalie et Patrice, deux massothérapeutes tantriques de grandes expériences et guides spirituels, vous accueillerons au Love & Light pour des soins découvertes en privé.

Porteurs des énergies du couple sacré Yeshua et Magdalena, c’est avec grande Pureté et par Amour de l’humain qu’ils partageront leur médecine de l’Âme par leur toucher d’une grande profondeur.

Les sessions disponibles seront affichées à leurs tentes respectives, sur réservation seulement.

Tarif exceptionnel pour le Love & Light offert (60-100$ / 45-60 min. selon le type de soins. Argent comptant seulement).

Mieux connaître vos thérapeutes

Nathalie Beaudoin

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Kashmiri Tantra Massage Czech Republic
to Sep 24

Kashmiri Tantra Massage Czech Republic

  • Centrum Živá voda (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

New tantra retreat by Swami Anahata For singles and couples wanting deeper connections

Kashmiri Tantra Massage is a soft, sensual massage ritual from North India – a tradition of Kashmiri Shaivism. It unites the masculine, the feminine, your inner child, and the Buddha within (your godliness). The receiver gets in deep contact with these four energies. This is done in a safe and grounded way, so whatever healing needs to happen, happens without the giver having a goal to heal the receiver. The whole body gets touched sensually, without focusing on specific body parts.

For more information, click the button bellow.

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to Aug 27


Tantra Festival in Quebec

Tantra Festival est un rassemblement de gens respectueux qui ont un intérêt pour la connexion du coeur. Le tantra se défini comme la connexion au divin en soi . C’est une discipline qu’on applique par différents outils comme la respiration consciente, la danse extatique, la concentration sur soi , les énergies subtiles, la conscience du cœur , le ressenti , la méditation, la musique , le toucher , le mouvement et bien plus. Viens connecter à ton essence c’est le Nirvâna. 

Notre weekend du 24 au 27 août 2023 sera rempli pour tout les goûts. Méditation le matin , atelier, danse extatique, jam musique , spectacle de musique, dj danse , feu de joie , musique amérindienne, cercle d’énergie , feu de camp en conscience , soins reiki , massage crânien , kiosque d’artisanats , camping , sentier en forêt , lac pour baignade , bar sans alcool et du bonheur pleins la vue!

Réserve ta place !

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Awakened Masculinity Training
to Aug 20

Awakened Masculinity Training

Reclaim your manhood

This 3-part intense training is based on personal work with more then 3 000 men. It is designed to support you in being powerful, sensitive, authentic and expansive so that you can share your deepest gifts with other men, women and the world.Coming to this training is a choice to reclaim your individual manhood, to stand in the light of your own awareness as a man among other men, as brothers.

  • Learn how to build and channel your sexual energy.

  • Regain your power and your sensitivity.

  • Discover your true soul calling.


in Swami Anahata's
most popular live workshop


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to Jul 22

Tantra Retreat in Greece

This retreat is one of the best ways to learn Kashmiri Tantra Massage which is the foundation of all types of conscious touch practices



  • waking up with gentle yoga, movement and meditation followed by a swim in the crystal-clear sea.

  • having a fresh vegan healthy breakfast prepared with fruits

  • receiving and giving conscious loving touch each day by learning Kashmiri Massage

  • living in a conscious community of like-minded friends learning the ancient wisdom of Tantra from a loving teacher.

This is an invitation to those who would like to have a conscious holiday in the paradise of Corfu, an island that is full of flowers, bees, beauty and crystal blue water.

This retreat is designed to give you experience of living in an environment where you are encouraged to open up to connection with yourself and with another human beings. This is the retreat is design to give you information, practices and experiences to gain a deeper understanding of the energies within yourself and how they play out in your life, especially while relating with the world around you.

This retreat is one of the best ways to learn Kashmiri Tantra Massage which is the foundation of all types of conscious touch practices


Over 7 days you will:

  • Unburden your body from aches and pains of hectic city life by bio dynamic breath, yoga and movement practices by the sea or in the group room

  • Discover how to give and receive conscious touch

  • Giving and receiving Kashmiri Tantra Massage every day

  • Dancing 5 elements of your body to the rhythm of the music and your energy

  • Chakra’s and Kundalini Cleansing

  • Having free time to enjoy sea, sun and sand plus shopping, dining or just being


Retreat includes

  • 7 days tantra workshop.

  • 7 days accommodation in twin shared bedroom (or single upon request)

  • Breakfast and lunch every day

  • Free Wi-Fi

  • A ton of joy and a great company

  • Safe and profound meditation space


And why Arillas Corfu? Our venue

Arillas Corfu offers:

  • White sand beaches

  • Breathtaking Sunsets

  • Amazing Greek food and wine

  • Warm Sunny climate

  • Romantic restaurants and bars

  • Holiday-style 2-bedroom apartments and studios

  • Healing Clay to rub on your body

  • Ancient Greek towns near by

  • Free Wi-Fi

  • Bike and scooter rental at the location

  • Olives groove all over


Retreat Schedule

15 – 22 July, 2023


07:30 – Morning Practice

09:00 – Breakfast

10:30 – Workshop Session

13:30 – Lunch

15:00 – Workshop Session

18:00 – Free evening for watching sunset, swimming, dinner

*All Levels of Experience are welcome.
*Singles and couples are welcome, couples can choose, if they want to do all mediations together.


Singles Package

Last-minute offer


Today only a €500 deposit

The price difference will be paid in cash at the venue.

The price includes accommodation and 2 meals a day for the 7 days of training.


Couples Package

Last-minute offer


Today only a €1,000 deposit

The price difference will be paid in cash at the venue.

The price includes accommodation and 2 meals a day for the 7 days of training.


This retreat will help


Who are longing for a deeper connection to themselves and people around her. Women who needs to reset her body mind and heart by conscious touch and sacred art of Kashmiri Tantra.


Who would like to learn to create safe and sacred container for himself and for his woman so that she can open up and relax in his presence. Men who would like to learn conscious touch, giving and receiving and drawing healthy tantric boundaries when it comes to sex.


Who know about conscious communication, tantra, sacred sexuality, but still feel like their needs are not met by the other. Couples who want to reignite their sex lives and bring more presence, love and energy into the relationship. Any couple that wants to master the art of intimacy and lovemaking.


Anyone who wants to be awake and grounded person, feeling your inner fountain of joy, love and power. Anyone who longs for balancing their inner masculine and feminine and find happiness in life.


Swami Anahata

As a Tantra Teacher, Anahata’s methods are simple, holistic, and playful – unlocking new human potentials that are unique to the world of Tantra.

Swami Anahata is a gifted, intuitive and passionate Tantra and meditation teacher. He creates sacred and safe spaces for anybody who wants to live their life to the fullest potential. He has dedicated the past 20 years to supporting the growth and self-discovery of himself and those around him through Tantra and other holistic practices.

Anahata’s teachings fuse Eastern mysticism and Western scientific research on the subjects of Sex, Love and Relationship.

His deep surrender to this path inspired others and attracts people who wishes to learn and bring love back to our daily lives.

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Tantric Self -Pleasure Meditation and Breathwork for Ultimate Orgasmic Potential
7:00 PM19:00

Tantric Self -Pleasure Meditation and Breathwork for Ultimate Orgasmic Potential

Workshop Description:

In this two hour interactive online workshop, we will explore how we define for ourselves "Our Ultimate Orgasmic Potential' and discuss the nuances of how sexual energy, tantric practice and the breath can help us align with our true power.

Using breath, sound, movement, music as well as sacred sexuality and tantric practices, we will align our bodies and energy field with vibrancy, pleasure, presence and our deepest embodiment of being connected to life and our passion.

This is both discussion and interactive breath/movement/tantric practices that you can do with cameras on or off. There will be no nudity and any self pleasure practice will be done with all cameras off to protect privacy.

Please be able to move and make sound in your space for the class, wear something comfy to move in and if you have nice speakers, it would be great to connect those.

Expect to walk away with concrete practices you can integrate into your life to help balance stress and the chatty mind, and to enhance your connection to pleasure and sacred sexuality.

Why to participate:

To reach new levels of pleasure

Improve your relationship with sexual energy

Develop orgasmic potential

Discover a new range of sensations

Increase confidence and self-esteem

Activate bliss

Who can participate?
Anyone, man or woman who wishes to discover a new and effective method for the development of human sexuality.

Duration: 2 hours

Price: CAD $ 89,00

When: June 6th at 7pm

Where: Online via Zoom. When you make your subscription, you will receive an e-mail confirmation with all details about the class, Including the Zoom link.

Cancelation policies for workshops please click here

About the teacher…


Aylen Lyra Doucette is a Sacred Sexual Wellness and Intimacy Coach and Tantric Breathworker for men and women. She weaves the best of classical tantra, neo-tantra, ancient taoist practices, neuroscience and somatic life coaching with female intuition to create customized one to one coaching experiences based on your goals, desires and intentions.

She has studied Sex, Love and Relationship Coaching with Layla Martin, Classical Tantra with Christopher Wallis, Neo-Tantra with Ma Ananda Sarita and Charles Muir, Clarity Breathwork with Dana DeLong and Ashanna Solaris, Bliss Breathwork with Cristabel Zamor and is currently completing her trainings in Somatic Sex Education and Psychedelic Somatic Therapy.

You can find her on the 5 Rhythms Dance floor which she has studied for 16 years or in a yoga class which she has practiced for 20 years. She loves chocolate, electronic music, and really good Mezcal.

Tantric Self -Pleasure Meditation and Breathwork for Ultimate Orgasmic Potential

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Tantra Workshop - A sensory journey through the primary Energy
to Apr 21

Tantra Workshop - A sensory journey through the primary Energy

  • Google Calendar ICS

 Tantric Workshop

Come and participate in an intense weekend with transformative experiences, learning this wonderful art of tantra, through the exploration of sexual energy to promote the expansion of sensitivity and development of human potential, harmonizing body, mind and emotions.


Some participants describe this experience as a state of Supraconsciousness and transcendence where there is no more separation and unity between body, mind and spirit.


You will be instructed in various massage exchanges with a man and a woman parity (there are also groups with same sex parities), also you will experience tantric techniques that helps unlocking the Chakras and in the potentialization of sexual energy.


For me as a therapist and facilitator of this workshop, it is important that the experience will be harmonious for all, whether couples or individuals, providing an environment where friendship and respect are prevalent, allowing very deep experiences to be experienced without any link to corrupt patterns of sexuality prevalent in our society.


Why to participate?


To reach new levels of pleasure

Improve your relationship with sexual energy

Develop orgastic potential

Discover a new range of sensations

Increase confidence and self-esteem


Who can participate?


Anyone, man or woman who wishes to discover a new and effective method for the development of human sexuality.


What you will learn, practice, receive:

·      Tantric breath techniques.

·      Tantric meditation.

·      Yoni Massage/ Lingam Massage.

·      Self love.

·      Brazilian's Tantric technique.

·      Somananda's Tantric technique.

·      Energy points on the body.

·      How to deeply connect with another person.

·      And good surprises I will bring from Bali where I stay for 30 days learning more about Tantra with Ananda Sarita (from Jan 23th to Feb 25th).


When?  April 20th and 21th 2019

What Time? 

Saturday from 10:00 am to 6:00pm

Sunday from 10:00 am to 06:00pm

Where? Full address after your registration.


$345 regular

$280 early bird until April 14th  

$240 ***If you have been participating in the Yoni or Lingam Demo or both, you will pay only $240.


Confirm your registration by clicking in save my spot:


For those who still don’t know me, my name is Naira, yoga teacher and Tantric Massage Therapist from Brazil living in Montreal since september 2017. If you woud like to know more about me and my work, I invite you to read some information in my Bio:

For more information:


Important notes:

We will take a small break to drink water, use the washroom, eat some snacks(bring yours).

Wear comfortable clothing.

Bring your water bottle.

*If you are under 18 years old, sorry, you are not allowed to participate.

*All registrations must be pre-registered and pre-paid in order to hold your place as spot is limited. 

The registration is strictly non-refundable

Cancellations are non-refundable, however, participants can transfer their spot. This is your responsibility to organize.

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Tantric Massage for woman Live Demo
7:00 PM19:00

Tantric Massage for woman Live Demo

Tantric Massage for Woman Live Demo

April 12th 2019

“Get out of your head and get into your heart. Think less, feel more” - Osho

Come and join us for a live Tantra Massage demonstration for woman, where we will have a female model as a volunteer to share her powerful energy with us.

You will see and feel how powerful it is just participating as an observer.

Together we are going to create a fun atmosphere of respect, trust, no judgment throughout a meditation and breaths techniques at the beginning of our meeting.

What you will  see:

  • Tantric breath techniques.

  • Tantric meditation.

  • Step by step Yoni Massage demo.

  • How to dive and explore female mistery.

  • Brazilian's Tantric technique.

  • Somananda's Tantric technique.

  • Energy points on the body.

  • How to deeply connect with another person.

  • And good surprises I will bring from Bali where I stay for 30 days learning more about Tantra with Ananda Sarita (from Jan 23th to Feb 25th).

 Who can participate?

Men, women who are seeking growth, how to have pleasure, self connection, self love…

 I will demonstrate the techniques of tantra and pressure points in the body of the female model, the participants will watch closely. Questions is not allowed during the Demonstration to keep me as a giver and the receiver in deep concentration. You can keep your question to the end of the Demo.

* Please note that the female body will not be explored by the participants. But you can watch closely and, ask questions at the end.

When?  April 12th 2019

What Time? From 7 pm to 10 pm

Where? Full address after your registration



Regular $75,00

Early bird until March 29th $65,00

Confirm your registration by clicking in save my spot:


For those who still don’t know me, my name is Naira, yoga teacher and Tantric Massage Therapist from Brazil living in Montreal since september 2017. If you woud like to know more about me and my work, I invite you to read some information in my Bio:

For more information:


Important notes:

We will take a small break to drink water, use the washroom, eat some snacks(bring yours).

Wear comfortable clothing.

Bring your water bottle.

We will have one woman to be the model for the demonstration during the evening.

*If you are under 18 years old, sorry, you are not allowed to participate.

*All registrations must be pre-registered and pre-paid in order to hold your place as spot is limited. 

The registration is strictly non-refundable

Cancellations are non-refundable, however, participants can transfer their spot. This is your responsibility to organize.

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Tantra Massage Live Demo for man
7:00 PM19:00

Tantra Massage Live Demo for man

Tantra Massage For Man

March 29th 2019

“Get out of your head and get into your heart. Think less, feel more” -Osho

You are a sexual being and your sexual energy can be used in a mindful way to bring balance and harmony.  

Come and join us for a live Tantra Massage demonstration for men, where we will have a male model as a volunteer to share his powerful energy with us.

You will see and feel how powerful it is just participating as an observer.

Together we are going to create a fun atmosphere of respect, trust, no judgment throughout a meditation and breaths techniques at the beginning of our meeting.

What you will  see:

  • Tantric breath techniques.

  • Tantric meditation.

  • Step by step Tantric Massage for man.

  • Brazilian's Tantric technique.

  • Somananda's Tantric technique.

  • Energy points on the body.

  • How to deeply connect with another person.

  • And good surprises I will bring from Bali where I stay for 30 days learning more about Tantra with Ananda Sarita (from Jan 23th to Feb 25th).

 Who can participate?

Men, women who are seeking growth, how to have pleasure, self connection, self love…

 I will demonstrate the techniques of tantra and pressure points in the body of the male model, the participants will watch closely. Questions is not allowed during the Lingam massage Demonstration to keep me as a giver and the receiver in deep concentration. You can keep your question to the end of the Demo.

* Please note that the male body will not be explored by the participants. But you can watch closely and, ask questions at the end.

When?  March 29th 2019

What Time? From 7 pm to 10 pm

Where? Full address after your registration



Regular $75,00

Early bird until March 20th $65,00

You can also pay for your registration by clicking in save my spot:


For those who still don’t know me, my name is Naira, yoga teacher and Tantric Massage Therapist from Brazil living in Montreal since september 2017. If you woud like to know more about me and my work, I invite you to read some information in my Bio:

For more information:


Important notes:

We will take a small break to drink water, use the washroom, eat some snacks(bring yours).

Wear comfortable clothing.

Bring your water bottle.

We will have one man to be the model for the demonstration during the evening.

*If you are under 18 years old, sorry, you are not allowed to participate.

*All registrations must be pre-registered and pre-paid in order to hold your place as spot is limited. 

The registration is strictly non-refundable

Cancellations are non-refundable, however, participants can transfer their spot. This is your responsibility to organize.

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