Whether you’re single or in a relationship, male or female…

Ma Ananda Sarita will show you how to

Dive Into The Tantra World Of Pleasure, Intimacy & Consciousness

While Exploring Breathtaking Orgasms & Sensual Delights

With the Master Lover Online Course


Secrets for Mystical Sexual Union

Sarita has created a signature workshop which is transforming lovers all over the world, for years now. Her teaching on this subject is tried and tested and embodies deep transformational methods, being a living bridge between ancient and modern approaches.


Imagine feeling fully alive…


Experiencing everything with open heart and senses…

Immersing yourself in sensual delights and breathtaking orgasms…

Feeling divine power radiating from your every cell.

Imagine being able to unleash this ecstatic energy… and transform it into

a spectacular, unstoppable force that shapes your life and expands your


Wherever you are at in life right now — there are ways of making this vision come true.

Whether it’s awakening of the senses or chakras, rekindling passion in your relationship,

deepening your meditation, or finding self-love… There are Tantric tools and techniques

that offer a path to your deepest fulfillment and awakening.

I use the word “awakening” for a very good reason… Because all of this is already within you.

Deep inside, you already are this wild, ecstatic Soul that is hungry to explore the secrets of life… All you need to set yourself free is trustworthy guidance, encouragement, and knowledgeable support.

And so it makes me deeply happy to see you here. I don’t think it’s a coincidence. Not in this case.

The great news is you don’t need any previous experience with Tantra. And if you do have it — you’re in for a treat. You also don’t need to put a label on yourself… it doesn’t matter what your relationship status, gender, or sexual orientation is.


All you need is to be passionately curious.

Tantra is a lifestyle — just like yoga is. It blends and explores the depths of love, sexuality, and spirituality.

One of the ultimate experiences of Tantra is to bring together two opposites — the feminine and the masculine — and through this union to experience The Divine.

Because we all have these two elements within us. It doesn’t matter whether you’re starting this transformation by yourself or with a partner.

The only thing that matters here is your sacred journey of awakening into who you are truly meant to be. And it’s my honor and pleasure to be your Guide along the way.


Is This Course for You?

Master Lover is for each and every human being out there — whether single or in a relationship… young or old… straight, gay, or experimentative.

It also doesn’t matter whether you’re new or not to Tantra. It’s our promise to you that during this course you will discover, explore, and learn things you haven’t even dreamed of.

This course is for YOU if you’re willing to open your mind and heart to the Tantra teachings. If you want to learn to embrace your masculine and feminine side — the eternal interplay of Yin and Yang.

It’s for you if you want to go deeper into your sexuality to experience life-changing orgasms and powerful soul connection with your beloved.

And finally — it’s for you if you want to use this powerful energy and transform it into spiritual awakening.

Layla Martin - Tantra Teacher


Your Instructor

Ma Ananda Sarita


Hi, my name is Ma Ananda Sarita and I’m the Tantra Master behind the “Master Lover” online course. I’m also a healer, a consultant, and an author of two books on Tantra.

I’m extremely excited to see you here, as you’re about to embark on the most sensual journey you could possibly imagine. It is my mission to not only give you all the tools and guidance you’ll need… but also to create a safe and trusted environment for you to transform into your most fulfilled, ecstatic self.

But before we move on, let me quickly introduce myself.

Already as a child, I was very sensitive to subtle energies and guidance from the Universe. As a young teenager, I left my hometown in California and went in search of the essence of life. I hitchhiked my way throughout North America, Europe, the Middle East, and India.

(Pretty adventurous, I know!)

Finally, I ended up meeting Osho — one of the most powerful Tantra Masters in the world — in Mumbai (India) at the age of 17. I remained in his community for the next 26 years, receiving much personal guidance on the subject of meditation, Tantra, love, relationships and spirituality.

I’ve been teaching Tantra myself since 1990. My programs are based on Osho’s approach but are also greatly inspired by Kashmiri Tantra, the Baul Mystics, and Gorakh.

Simply put: the Tantra I am teaching is a living bridge between ancient and modern approaches, which is what makes it so accessible to everyone. As mentioned before, all you need is to be passionately curious.

I moved to Europe in 1999 where I established a school devoted to Tantra and Healing Arts. But you can find me in various places around the world — teaching retreats, workshops, and facilitating teacher trainings.


I love guiding my students on the path of self-realization and awakening. My goal is to help them crack the shell they’re trapped in — as a result of cultural conditioning and past experiences.

I’ve spent decades… almost my entire life… learning, researching, exploring, and experimenting — so that you can have it easier.

My experience is your shortcut — and it’s my pleasure to share it with you through this course.

Master Lover online course is based on my Master Lover Workshop — an offline workshop that I have been teaching for years. Its tried-and-tested methods have already transformed thousands of love lives, of both singles and couples.

Now, Master Lover’s profound wisdom is available to anyone, from any corner of the world — at their own schedule and from the privacy of their bedroom.

For more love, inspiring stories, testimonials, and all the topics bellow click on into the bottom Learn more...

  • Class Curriculum

  • Free Course Preview

  • What Sarita’s Students Say

  • 2-Week Money-Back Guarantee!

  • What Other Tantra Teachers say

  • About Ma Ananda Sarita

  • Benefits for man

  • Benefits for woman

  • Benefits for individuals

  • Benefits for couples

I am very happy to announce this beautiful partnership com Sarita and Beducated.

Now it is possible to learn tantra with the best professionals in the world in the comfort and privacy of your home.
